Our Acetate Esters are sold for use in downstream production processes like coatings as well as for the production of pharmaceuticals, solvents and ink products.Esters are a group of chemical compounds derived from the reaction of Carboxylic Acids and Alcohols or Polyols.

Sales Specifications, Safety data sheets (SDS), Product Handling Guides

Isobutyl acetate

CAS No.: 110-19-0
EC No.: 203-745-1
Product name: Isobutyl acetate
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
Africa & Asia Group SDS en
Austria de
Denmark da
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
Hungary hu
Italy it
Latin America Group SDS ms pt
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Portugal pt
Russian Federation ru
Slovenia sn
Spain es
Switzerland de fr it

n-Butyl acetate

CAS No.: 123-86-4
EC No.: 204-658-1
Product name: n-Butyl acetate
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
Africa & Asia Group SDS en
Austria de
China ch
Czech Republic cs
Denmark da
Finland fi
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
Greece el
Hungary hu
Italy it
Latin America Group SDS ms pt
Lithuania lt
Luxembourg fr
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Norway no
Poland pl
Portugal pt
Republic Serbia sr
Russian Federation ru
Slovenia sn
Spain es
Sweden sv
Switzerland de fr it
Turkey tr

n-Propyl acetate

CAS No.: 109-60-4
EC No.: 203-686-1
Product name: n-Propyl acetate
Chemical name: Propyl acetate
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
Africa & Asia Group SDS en
Austria de
China ch
Croatia sr
Czech Republic cs
Denmark da
Finland fi
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
India en
Ireland en
Italy it
Korea ko
Latin America Group SDS ms pt
Latvia lv
Lithuania lt
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Poland pl
Portugal pt
Russian Federation ru
Slovenia sn
Spain es
Sweden sv
Switzerland de fr it
Turkey tr