Specialty Esters

Specialty Esters are used to manufacture a large variety of industrial products, including automotive and architectural applications.

Most of our Specialty Esters are plasticizers for a broad range of applications. They show some unique properties and can be used to replace traditional phthalate plasticizers and are all well-known and well-researched plasticizers currently found in a broad variety of end uses.

Specialty Esters may also be used as compatibilizers, solvents or friction modifiers in a variety of lubricant, metalworking and inks and coatings formulations.

Common applications are: plasticizers, lubricants and coalescing agents.

Sales Specifications, Safety data sheets (SDS), Product Handling Guides

NPG Di-heptanoate (CQ) - Cosmetic Quality

CAS No.: 68855-18-5
EC No.: 272-469-1
Product name: NPG Di-heptanoate (CQ) - Cosmetic Quality
Chemical name: Heptanoic acid, ester with 2,2-dimethyl-1,3-propanediol
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
Belgium de fr
China ch
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
Ireland en
Spain es
Switzerland de fr


CAS No.: 94-28-0
EC No.: 202-319-2
Product name: OXFILM 351
Chemical name: 2,2'-Ethylenedioxydiethyl bis(2-ethylhexanoate)
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
Africa & Asia Group SDS en
China ch
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
Greece el
Latin America Group SDS ms pt
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Spain es
Sweden sv
Switzerland de fr it
Taiwan ta


CAS No.: 126-57-8
EC No.: 204-793-6
Product name: OXLUBE L9-TMP
Chemical name: 2-Ethyl-2-[[(1-oxononyl)oxy]methyl]propane-1,3-diyl dinonan-1-oate
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
China ch
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
India en
Italy it
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Spain es
Switzerland de fr it


CAS No.: 94-28-0
EC No.: 202-319-2
Product name: OXSOFT 3G8
Chemical name: Triethylenglycol-di-(2-ethylhexanoate)
Safety data sheets:
Germany de
USA en
Further countries:
China ch
Czech Republic cs
France fr
Global Default SDS en
Great Britain en
Italy it
Korea ko
Luxembourg fr
Mexico ms
Netherlands nl
Poland pl
Spain es
Sweden sv
Taiwan ta